June 25, 2010

RGUKT IIIT Results - Counseling Schedule

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT)- an innovative project to provide quality engineering education to meritorious rural students is set to issue notification for admissions 2010. Three IIITs (International Institute of Information Technologies) are established under RGUKT. These are located at Basara (Adilabad), Nuzivedu (Krishna) and Rajiv Knowledge Valley (Idupulapaya- Kadapa).

Second List of selected candidates for RGUKT IIITs announced on 15th July 2010. Please check below links for RGUKT IIIT Second List.Candidates will also be intimated through mobile phones.

Total seats: 3000 (1000 each in three IIITs- This year total seats reduced from 6000 to 3000)
* Seats reserved for State Merit quota: 450
* Seats for Mandal level merit students: 2550
* Seats for Govt / Aided Schools: 70%
* Seats for Private residential Schools: 20%
* Seats for AP Residential Schools students: 10 %

Counseling Schedule Details: RGUKT IIIT counselin will be conducted on 9th and 10th July 2010 at respective IIITs in Basara, Idupulapaya and Nuzvidu.

RGUKT IIIT Addresses, Contacts, Seats, Counseling Dates and Final Results for Admissions 2010

RGUKT - IIIT 2010 Results and Counseling details with brochure available on http://admissions2010.rgukt.in


  1. Hey Imran,
    These are not MBBS Colleges. These are for meritorious rural students of Andhra Pradesh for admission into Technical courses.

  2. come on man......
    its IIIT which means International Institute of Information Technology .. Its purely IT related, not even the all the branches of engineering.
