October 2, 2010

IIT Bombay Research Internship Awards 2010

IITB Research Internship Award is designed to be an educational and professional research experience in the disciplines of Science and Technology. These awards are available for specific research projects conducted at IIT Bombay. The details of ongoing projects in various departments are made available to the candidates on IITB website. So that they can apply for projects of their interest and can prepare themselves well for a rigorous selection procedure. The number of interns to be selected will be restricted to the number of projects available. The present vacancies are 50 in various projects. The selected interns are required to work full time for six months on the concerned project. They will be given a fixed amount of stipend Rs 10000/- per month. Accommodation may be provided subject to availability. Last date for receipt of applications is 31 October 2010.

Eligibility Requirements:

1. Interns should be among the top 10 percent in all the previous years in their respective departments in the parent institutions. A certificate to this effect (in the prescribed format) will have to be submitted at the time of the interview.
2. Interns should not have any course work requirements in their parent institute during the period of internship. A certificate to this effect (in the prescribed format) will have to be submitted at the time of the interview.
3. The period of internship of candidates depends on the year in which they are studying. The departments to which they can apply for internship depend on their degree programme. Students belonging to other degree programmes should check their eligibility requirements with the departments they are interested in.

Application Procedure:

The application process consists of an online application that has to be submitted through IIT Bombay website only. Application form will be available 5th October 2010. Applications for internship must be accompanied by a statement of purpose. The details to be included in this statement are available on the IITB website. The selection procedure consists of preliminary screening of applications, followed by test/ interviews to be held in a decentralized manner at the department level.

Selection criteria will also include consistent academic performance (relative rank in the class/ University), work carried out by the student besides his regular academic work, participation/ recognition in competitions such as Techfest, Olympiads, National Talent Search Exams, and performance in the interview. Interviews are likely to be held in December 2010.

Address: IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076. For any queries please mail to internship@ircc.iitb.ac.in OR visit http://www.iitb.ac.in/fellowship

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