Decentralised Certificate Verification Schedule:
1. 28th July 2011: 1 - 30000 ranks
2. 29th July 2011: 30001 - 55000 ranks
3. 30th July 2011: 55001 to 80000 ranks
4. 31st July 2011 80001 to 110000 ranks
5. 1st August 2011: 110001 to 140000 ranks
6. 2nd August 2011: 140001 to 170000 ranks
7. 3rd August 2011: 170001 to Last Rank
Schedule for Web Options Entry:
1) 31st July 2011 - 1st August 2011 : Ranks 1 to 40000
2) 2nd August 2011 - 3rd August 2011: Ranks 40001 to 80000
3) 4th August 2011 to 5th August 2011: Ranks 80001 to 120000
4) 6th August 2011 to 7th August 2011: Ranks 120001 to 160000
5) 8th August 2011 to 9th August 2011: Ranks 160001 to Last rank
EAMCET 2011 Engineering and Pharmacy Seats Allotment will be done on 14th August 2011 through at 6 PM.

Old / Previous Updates: EAMCET 2011 Engineering and Medicine Results and Ranks will be released around 22nd / 23rd May 2011. The EAMCET 2011 results / Marks / Ranks will come out after two weeks from the date of Eamcet examination. Aggregate Marks/ Ranks will be calculated after the release of Intermediate Second Year 2011 Results and Supplementary Results of IPE 2011. Results OR Marks of the Engineering and Medicine streams of EAMCET 2011 will be available on following links. EAMCET 2011 counseling schedule also has been announced. The counseling is likely to start in the First week of July and will be completed by the end of July 2011. Detailed Counseling schedule of EAMCET 2011 will be released soon. The EAMCET authorities are expecting to start Engineering Classes during first week of August 2011. Medicine admissions will also be completed by August First week of 2011. Following are useful info links for EAMCET 2011 candidates...
1. Release of EAMCET 2011 Ranks / Marks: 22nd/ 23rd of May 2011
2. Start of EAMCET 2011 Counseling: First Week of July 2011
EAMCET 2010 Useful Info for Counseling.....
EAMCET Verification and Copy of OMR Sheets
EAMCET - Inter Weightage Calculation Method, Marks - Ranks Estimations
EAMCET Medicine Last Ranks
EAMCET Engineering Last Ranks
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