November 14, 2011

Nagarjuna University MBA and MCA Exams Schedule 2011

V.Rama Rao, Controller of Examinations, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur has released notification examination notification for MBA and MCA Programmes for the academic year 2011-12. Examinations for 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester regular and supplementary candidates of MBA (3rd semester), MCA (3rd and 5th Semesters) and MBA (Hospital Administration - 1st and 3rd semesters) course of Acharya Nagarjuna University will be conducted from 03-12-2011 and 05-12-2011 respectively. Following is the schedule for fee payment and receipt of completed applications for various examinations:

1) Last date for the payment of examination fee and submission of examination applications of 3rd Semester M.B.A., 3rd and 5th semesters M.C.A and 1st 3rd semester M.B.A. (Hospital Administration): 16th November 2011
2) Last date for the payment of examination fee with late fee of Rs. 100/- : 19th November 2011
3) Last date for submission of gallies (CDs) for MBA 3rd Semester, MCA 3rd and 5th and 1st and 3rd Semesters of M.B.A. (Hospital Administration) semester students to the office of the Controller of Examinations, Acharya Nagarjuna University: 22-11-2011
4) Commencement of 3rd semester MBA, 3rd Semester MCA and 3rd Semester of MBA (Hospital Administration) examinations: 03-12-2011
5) Commencement of 5th Semester MCA Examinations: 05-12-2011
6) Commencement of 1st Semester MBA (Hospital Administration) Examinations : 05-12-2011

Consolidated Online Challan for each course should be taken by the Principal’s of the Colleges on or before 19-11-2011. The hall-tickets for examinations shall be issued to the candidates only after verifying their eligibility in all respects. Candidates should not be under disqualification for suspected malpractice or any of those sorts. For more detailed guidelines, please see

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