January 21, 2012

Hyderabad University Anthropology Admissions

Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad is offering Post Graduate and research courses in Anthropology with major specializations in Social and Cultural Anthropology. The courses are focused on both theoretical and applied research in Anthropology. The unique feature of the department is its small museum which will help students in understanding various concepts. Candidates can pursue M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes in Anthropology. HCU conducts entrance tests for admission to all the programmes. Previous question papers of entrance examinations can be obtained from the University library or book stall in the HCU campus. Here are details of courses, eligibility, scheme of entrance examination and application procedure:

1) M.A: Duration of the course is two years / four semesters. The department of Anthropology offer compulsory and optional subjects in advanced areas of Anthropology such as Theories of Culture, Theories of Social Structure, Anthropology of Complex Societies, Development Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Peasant Society, Ecological Anthropology, Economic Anthropology, Anthropological Linguistics, Anthropology of Communication, Natural Resource Management etc. Fieldwork, dissertation and viva-vice are important features of the course. The written examination for admission into M.A. consists of two parts. Part A will consist of objective type of questions for 25 marks. Part ‘B’ consists of essay and precis writing, comprehension and analysis of statistical data. There will be negative marking for Part A. The University also has excellent course in the form of M.A. Sociology where reputed faculty is teaching and offering research.

2) M.Phil: The duration of the M.Phil. programme in HCU is two semesters. There will be course work in the first semester and candidates have to submit a dissertation in the second semester. The written examination for M.Phil. will be based on P.G. level Anthropological theory, method and Indian ethnography. The question paper consists of two parts with objective type multiple choice questions in Part A and questions of short notes and critical essay writing in Part B.

3) Ph.D: This is a comprehensive Research programme for a minimum period of two years. Part time admissions also accepted for limited number of candidates. There will be rigorous evaluation process before registering the candidate for each semester. The written test for Ph.D. programme will be similar to the examination conducted for M.Phil. admissions. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews. Candidates need to submit a detailed research proposal along with the applications. More details can be obtained from www.uohyd.info or www.uohyd.ernet.in . Faculty members include KK Mishra, P. Venkata Rao, R. Siva Prasad, BV Sharma, N. Sudhakar Rao etc.

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