January 14, 2012

Junior Intermediate Physics Model Paper 1

Physics is one of the difficult subjects for many Intermediate students. Practicing with model papers and model questions will help the candidates to succeed in the examination. Here we are giving Junior Intermediate Physics Model Paper which will be useful for both MPC and BiPC students. The model paper is useful for those going to appear for Intermediate Public Examinations in March - April every year. Duration of the exam is 3 hours. Maximum marks are 60. There will be three sections in the examination as described below:

Section - A

Note: a) All questions are of very short answer type. b) Answer all questions. c) Each question carries 2 marks. 10 x 2 = 20
1. Find the value of 2.2+4.08+3.125+6.3755 with due regard to significant figures.
2. Which physical quantities remain constant in (i) an elastic collision and (ii) an inelastic collision?
3. A boy stands at one end of a boat that is stationary relative to the shore. He starts to walk towards the opposite end of the boat away
from the shore. Does the boat move? If it moves in what direction does it move?
4. A pendulum clock shows correct time at the equator. Does it gain or lose time if it is taken to the poles? why?
5. What is 'Neutron Star'? What are its limitations?
6. What are the directions of dynamic and static frictions between two bodies?
7. What is the work done in blowing a soap bubble of radius 2 cm if the surface tension of soap solution is 7 x 10-2 Nm-1?
8. If the gas in an open vessel is heated what will be the relation between its temperature and mass of the gas in the container?
9. What is a reversible process? Is it necessary that the process is to be quasi-static if it is to be reversible?
10. Equal masses of ice at 0oC and steam at 100oC are mixed up. Does all the ice melt? Does all the steam condense?


Note: a) All questions are of short answer type. b) Ansewr any six questions. c) Each question carries 4 Marks. 6 x 4 = 24
11. Derive the equation S = ut+1/2at2 using graphical method where the symbols have their usual meaning.
12. Obtain an expression for the acceleration of a body down a rough inclined plane.
13. Show that the projection of a particle performing uniform circular motion on any diameter of reference circle is simple harmonic.
14. What is orbital velocity? Obtain an expression for it.
15. What is strain energy? Derive an expression for the strain energy of a stretched wire.
16. Derive the equation of continuity? when a hose pipe is held with its open end vertically upward how does the area of cross section of the water stream flowing out of the pipe change?
17. Show that Cp-Cv = R in the case of one mole of an ideal gas.


Note: a) All questions are of long answer type. b) Answer any two questions. c) Each question carries 8 marks. 2 x 8 = 16
19. Deduce an expression for the Kinetic energy of a body. obtain the relation between kinetic energy and momentum of a body. Can the momentum of a body change without changing its kinetic energy?

20. What is uniform circular motion? Obtain an expression for the acceleration of a particle performing uniform circular motion.
A stone of mass 2.0 Kg is tied to the end of a string of 2m length. It is whirled in a horizontal circle. If the breaking tension of the
string is 400N, calculate the maximum velocity that can be given to the stone.
21. (a) Define pressure coefficient of a gas and describe Jally's bulb experiment to determine it.

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