January 27, 2012

Krishnamurthy IIT Academy Aptitude Test for IIT JEE 2014

Krishnamurthy IIT Academy, Hyderabad has announced dates for IIT JEE Aptitude Test for the candidates appearing for the Tenth class examinations in March 2012. Those completing the SSC / 10th Class in 2012 are eligible for the training classes of Krishna Murthy IIT Academy. The institute will conduct IIT JEE Aptitude Test on 14th April 2021 across the state of Andhra Pradesh. This is an admission test for two year preparatory course for IIT JEE 2014. Last date for the receipt of applications is 31st March 2012. Model papers and previous papers of Krishna Murthy IIT academy and IIT JEE previous papers are available on the website www.krishnamurthyacademy.com.

Interested candidates can obtain application forms of Krishnamurthy Academy from 18th March 2012 to 25th March 2021 at the institute's office in Nallakunta (Vidyanagar), Hyderabad. You can also obtain completed details from official website of the institute at www.krishnamurthyiitacademy.com or call at phone no: 040 - 2760 1234, 99594 60512. There are several other IIT JEE training institutes in Hyderabad. Famous among them is IIT Ramaiah Academy for IIT JEE.

Test will be held on 14th April 2012 from 9.30 a.m To 12.30 p.m. The aptitude test consists of objective type questions in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, from State 10th Class Syllabus. Cost of application is Rs. 200. Candidates can also download application forms from the above mentioned website. Downloaded forms should be submitted in person or by post along with a demand draft for Rs 250 drawn in favour of 'Krishna Murthy IIT Academy' and payable at Hyderabad. Krishnamurthy Academy is offering fee concessions for meritorious candidates of aptitude test:

1) 50 percent fee concession for first three toppers in the selection test of Aptitude Exam.
2) 25 percent fee concession for next three toppers in the selection test of Aptitude Exam.
3) 5 percent fee concession in the fee for all girl students.

Candidates should note that Krishna Murthy IIT Academy does not run any Junior College or Hostel. The institue facilitate students with tie-ups. It has tie up with Shivam Junior College which runs in the same premises. The hostel tie up is with Venu Hostel, which is just at a distance of 5 minutes walk from IIT Academy. Contact Address: Dhagam Krishnamurthy, Krishnamurthy IIT Academy, 1-8-702/B/1, Sri Kaamakshi Bhavan, near Shankarmutt Trafic Signal, VST Road, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad. Phone: 040- 27601234, 27600396, Email: kmiitacademy@ yahoo.co.in .

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