10th Class - SSC Public Examinations are approaching fast in Andhra Pradesh. Following Model Paper for the Social Studies (Paper 1) will help the students to have an understanding of the nature of questions from various lessons. Tenth Class students should be aware of the time factor in SSC Public Examinations. This model paper will help you to prepare for the exam considering the time factor.
Tenth Social Model Paper (Social Studies) Paper - 1 (English Version)
PARTS - A and B (Time: 2:30 Hours, Maximum Marks: 50
PART - A (Time - 2 Hours - Marks : 35)
i) Answer ANY FIVE of the following questions, choosing atleast TWO from each Group A and B.
ii) Each question carries TWO marks. 5 × 2 = 10
1. What were the results of First World War?
2. Write a short note on 'Indus Valley Civilization'.
3. What were the circumstances led to the national consciousness in India?
4. Give the forms and methods of Imperialism.
5. What are the precautions to be taken by the riders of power driven vehicles?
6. What are the objectives of U.N.O.?
7. What is the role of women in the political sphere in India?
8. What are the functions of Election Commission in India?
i) Answer ANY FOUR questions in one or two sentences. ii) Each question carries ONE mark. 4 × 1 = 4
9. What is meant by 'White Man's Burden'?
10. Write two lines about 'Red Shirts'.
11. What are the principles of 'Fascism'?
12. Differentiate General Elections and Mid Term Polls?
13. What are the languages recognised by the Constitution of India?
14. What is meant by 'Corruption'?
i) Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions, choosing TWO from each Group A and B.
ii) Each question carries FOUR marks. 4 × 4 = 16
15. What were the reasons behind the Second World War?
16. Write a note on "Vande Mataram Movement".
17. Describe the role of Bismark in the Unification of Germany.
18. What are the characteristic features of Indian History?
19. What are the steps to be taken to achieve the objective of Universal Primary Education?
20. Why India had to choose Non-Alignment Policy?
21. Describe briefly the factors that contribute to the promotion of National Integration.
22. What are the basic elements of 'Democracy'?
SECTION - IV : 1 × 5 = 5
23. Mark the following places in the given World Map.
1) Austria 2) Egypt 3) U.S.A.
4) Chile 5) Pacific Ocean
1) Corsica 2) Indonesia
3) Indian Ocean 4) Venezeula 5) Namibia
I. Choose the correct answer and write the corresponding letter in the bracket. 10 × 1−2 = 5
1. Napoleon was influenced by .......... (Philosopher) ( )
A) Socrates B) Rousseau C) Meternich D) Nietzche
2. Indonesia was the colony of ( )
A) English B) Germans C) Dutch D) French
3. Versailles Treaty was signed in the year ( )
A) 1919 B) 1909 C) 1990 D) 1991
4. This is not included in the 'Axis Powers' (Countries) ( )
A) Russia B) Japan C) Italy D) Germany
5. 'New Deal Policy' was introduced by ( )
A) Reagon B) Eisenhower C) Obama D) F.D. Roosevelt
6. The language not recognised by the Indian Constitution ( )
A) Telugu B) English C) Tamil D) Malayalam
7. He is the officer in charge of polling booth ( )
A) Returning Officer B) Executive Officer C) Collector D) Presiding Officer
8. In which article of our Constitution the 'Right to Life' is laid down? ( )
A) Article 20 B) Article 21 C) Article 22 D) Article 23
9. The International Court of Justice is in ( )
A) France B) Netherlands C) Germany D) India
10. This is must to a bicycle at the 'rear side' especially during nights ( )
A) Green light B) White light C) Red reflector D) Yellow light
II. Fill in the blanks. 10 × 1−2 = 5
11. 'Right to Work' was proposed by ................
12. 'Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism'. These words were told by .........
13. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was held in the year .........
14. ............ won independence to Brazil.
15. The main architect of Non - Alignment Movement was .....
16. As per our Constitution .......... right protects the Fundamental Rights.
17. Electorate means ..............
18. National Literacy Mission was established in the year .....
19. The present secretary general of U.N.O. is ........
20. Well planned safety measures help us to avoid ..........
III. Match the following. 10 × 1−2 = 5
21. Chicago Religious Meet ( ) A) Gandhiji
22. Red Fort ( ) B) Nehru
23. Jallian Walla Bagh ( ) C) Vivekananda
24. Do or Die ( ) D) Shah Jahan
25. Indian National Congress ( ) E) Akbar
F) A.O. Hume
G) Annie Besant
H) General 'O' Dyer
26. Formation of Andhra Pradesh ( ) A) 1953
27. Formation of Andhra State ( ) B) 1955
28. Protection of Minorities ( ) C) 1956
29. Bandung Conference ( ) D) Article 28
30. Indo- China War ( ) E) Article 29
F) Article 30
G) 1962
H) 1965
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