February 24, 2012

NTR University Third BDS Results Jan-Feb 2012

Dr NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada has announced Results of Third BDS Examinations held during January - February 2012. The results can be obtained from the NTRUHS website at http://ntruhs.ap.nic.in . Congratulations for the successful candidates. The results have been announced after adding grace marks as per the University guidelines.

The candidates need not apply for Split Marks as these are available on the University Website. Candidates can apply for retotaling of marks for subjects / papers to the University on payment of Rs.2000 per each subject. Candidates will not be allowed for personal verification or identification. Any such claim for personal identification of answer book is not allowed by Dr. NTR University. Retotalling shall be done by an expert committee appointed by NTR University, Vijayawada.

The candidates who like to apply for retotalling of the answer scripts by the university appointed committee should submit applications in the prescribed format with requisite fee to the University. Last date for the submission of applications for retotalling is 12-03-2012. The applications received after that date will not be accepted.

1 comment:

  1. How do we get to know the results after retotalling if at all theres any change in the marks?
