February 11, 2012

Senior Inter Zoology Model Question Paper

This is the Zoology Model Paper for Intermediate Public Examinations (IPE) Second Year (Paper 2). The question paper is in English version. Duration of the exam is 3 hours and maximum marks are 60. We hope this model question paper is useful for the Senior Intermediate students in securing good marks.


Note: Read the following instructions carefully
1. Answer all questions in SECTION-A. Answer any six questions in SECTION-B, and answer any two questions in SECTION-C.
2. In section-A, Questions from Sl.Nos. 1 to 10 are of very short answer type. Each question carries two marks. Every answer may be limited to 2 or 3 sentences. Answer all these questions at one place in the same order.
3. In Section-B, questions from Sl.Nos.11 to 18 are of short answer type. Each question carries four marks.
4. In section-C, questions from Sl.Nos. 19 to 21 are of long answer type. Each question carries eight marks.
5. Draw labeled diagrams wherever necessary in Section-B and C.

SECTION - A : 10 x 2 = 20
Answer all the following questions in two or three sentences

1. What is endostyle? What is its function?
2. Name the reptile without copulatory organ. Why is it considered a living fossil?
3. What is Bohr's effect?
4. What is zygomatic arch in the skull of rabbit? How it is formed?
5. Distinguish between primary lymphoid organs and secondary lymphoid organs.
6. Distinguish between macroevolution and microevolution.
7. Distinguish between biological value and protein efficiency ratio.
8. What is P-Wave? What is its significance?
9. Name any two vaccines produced by rDNA technology.
10. What is the importance of Omega3 fatty acid? Name any two sources.

SECTION - B : Answer any six of the following questions. 6 x 4 = 24

11. Describe the different types of feathers in birds.
12. Mention eight important general characters of Pisces.
13. Describe the steps involved in DNA finger printing technology.
14. Explain the terms prolapsed, deworming, cannibalism and dubbing in poultry.
15. Explain the mechanism of blood coltting.
16. Draw a labeled diagram of L.S. of tooth of rabbit.
17. Explain Darwin's theory of Natural Selection with industrial melanism.
18. Discuss the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

SECTION - C : Answer any two of the following. 2 x 8 = 16

19. Describe the structure of the brain of rabbit
20. Describe gene expression. Explain gene regulation with the help of operon.
21. Describe the female reproductive system of rabbit with neatly labeled diagrams.

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