March 5, 2012

AUEET 2012 for Dual Degree and Twinning Programmes in Engineering by AU

Andhra University is conducting separate entrance test for admission to 5 year Integrated Dual Degree Programmes and Twinning programmes offered by the University. AU has announced Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET 2012) for the academic year 2012-13. The course are offered in AU College of Engineering (Autonomous) through ranks in AUEET 2012. Here are other details such as eligibility and application procedure:

1) 5 Year Integrated Dual Degree Programmes: These are offered as BE + ME / B.Tech + M.Tech / BE + MBA / B.Tech + MBA in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Networking, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering.

2) Twinning Programmes: BE (Aircraft Engineering and BE Electro - Mechanical Engineering. For more details of these programmes, see www.andhrauniversity.ino/doa or contact at 0891 - 2573441, 2706928. Filled in applications should be sent along with all enclosures to Director, Directorate of Admissions, Vijaynagar palace, Lawsonsbay Colony, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530017.

1) Start of sale of applications is 5th March 2012.
2) Last date for the receipt of completed applications is 4th April 2012.
3) Last date with a fine of Rs. 1000 is 18th April 2012.
4) Entrance Test will be held on 30th April 2012.

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