Annapurna International School of Film and Media (AISFM), South India's premier film school, today announced the launch of their Summer Camp program in film-making, acting and photography courses. The first batch will start on May 21st 2012 and the next batch will commence on May 28th 2012 at Annapurna Studios, Banjara Hills. AISFM's summer camp is an excellent way to spend two weeks of summer holidays, learning how to act and how to make short films. The courses are for two weeks, with four hour classes daily from Monday to Friday.
The courses will be conducted for two batches, one for those aged between 14-17 years and one for those between 17- 23 years. Each batch in the course will have a maximum of 20 students to ensure personal attention from the faculty.� The courses are priced at Rs.10,000 each (exclusive of taxes). The summer camp offers courses in Film-making, Acting and Photography.
The Film making camp is a crash course to learn how to make short films. AISFM teaches the students how to use simple yet highly effective film making tools in order to take the story from script to screen. Students work in small groups and will finish the camp by making a short film. All equipment is provided by the institute. The Acting camp will teach the students how to perform both in a live theatre and in front of a camera. These skills are useful not only for improving the performance as an actor, but also for making an impact in college presentations and placement interviews.
The Photography camp teaches how to use a camera, how to frame that moment right with an understanding of composition, lenses, aperture, shutter speeds, ISO settings as well as varying types of lighting, both natural and artificial. To register for the camp, call on 040 4914 1234 or visit
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