Sri Padmavati Mahil Viswavidyalayam, Tirupati (Women's University) has announced RESET 2012-13 notification for admission to M.Phil and Ph.D programmes in the disciplines of Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Management. M.Phil and Ph.D programmes are offered in full time and part time mode. SPMVV RESET 2012-2-13 will be held on 1st September 2012. Following are details of subjects offered, entrance structure, model question paper and application procedure:
1. Subject offered in the School of Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Biotechnology, Home Science, Sericulture, Computer Science, Applied Microbiology (Ph.D. Only) and Pharmaceutical Sciences (only Ph.D).
2. School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Management: English, Law (Ph.D only), Women's Studies, Telugu Studies, Business Management, Communication and Journalism, Education and Social Work.
Eligibility and Exam Structure: Applicants should have Post Graduation in the concerned subject with minimum 55 percent marks (50 percent for SC and ST candidates). RESET 2012 will be conducted for 100 marks. The question paper will be in English only except Telugu Studies. Candidates have to write five essay type questions out of eight within 3 hours. For Computer Science and Business Management, the test will consist of objective multiple choice questions with 90 minutes duration. Candidates qualified in UGC / CSIR examinations will be exempted from RESET 2012 entrance examination.
Interested candidates can download application forms from the university website at . You can also obtain application forms in person or by post from the Dean of Examinations, Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam, Tirupati. Filled in application forms along with a DD for Rs. 1000 (Rs. 750 for SC and ST candidates) drawn in favour of Registrar, SPMVV, Tirupati should reach Dean, Academic Affairs, SPMVV, Tirupati - 517502. Last date for the receipt of completed applications is 30th July 2012.
i need the syllabus for reset 2012 ,subject applied microbiology