August 29, 2012

JNAFAU B.Arch Admissions Based on NATA 2012

Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University (JNAFAU), Masab Tank, Hyderabad has issued notification for Architecture Admissions for the year 2012-13. The admissions will be based on NATA under the aegis of APSCHE, Hyderabad. Following is the NATA admission / counseling procedure in Andhra Pradesh (AP):

1) Stage 1: Registration for ranks at respective NATA Test Centers from 29th August 2012 to 7th September 2012. Ranks will be awarded on 20th September 2012 and will be displayed on the website

2) Stage 2: Verification of certificates and Admissions Counseling will be held at SPA Auditorium, JNAFAU, Masab Tank, Hyderabad from 26th September 2012 to 28th September 2012.

Candidates seeking admission in 1st year course of B.Arch (Regular) and B.Arch (Part Time) Degree offered in Govt / Private / Minority and Unaided institutions will be through the website mentioned above. Registration fee is Rs.400 (Rs. 200 for SC and ST candidates). For more information and updates on counseling, see .

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