April 17, 2013

AP Junior Inter Results 2013 - Revaluation, Recounting and Supplementary Exams Schedule

Hyderabad: Board of Intermediate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh is expected to release Junior Intermediate results on 24th April 2013. Intermediate first year results may be obtained from the BIEAP website www.bieap.gov.in along with several other private education websites. You can also get the Jr Inter results from www.eenadu.net, sakshi.com, eenadupratibha.net and sakshieducation.com . Here are the details of MPC top 10 rankers.

The Intermediate examinations were held During March 2013. About 8 lakhs candidates were appeared for the examinations. The evaluation was completed recently and the Board is planning to release the results.

The first year Intermediate results are available on the following websites:

The results may also available through mobile networks in the form of SMS. The BIEAP will also announce the procedure for revaluation, recounting along with supplementary examinations schedule for failed candidates.

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  1. Why there is no improvement exams for failed student?they should also get change to prove themselves?many student may be failed or unable to write exam well for personal problems...please keep improvements to failed students also,think abt it.

  2. i think its better to keep improvement exam for failed candidates think abt it
