January 28, 2014

10th Class English Study Plan and Analysis - English Medium

The main purpose of the course in English at Tenth class level is to enable the student to use English accurately, fluently and appropriately for the purpose of communication. Observe the weightage of marks for each question so that you can concentrate more on the topics to which more marks are allotted.

Although English is a foreign language, its importance in India is on the increase since it is easy to learn. Students, therefore, are able to read and understand lessons with ease! However, they find it difficult to speak or write correct English. Not only that, but wrong usage may result in communication gap. It is, therefore, quite essential for students to know how to speak or write grammatically correct sentences in English.

The present English Reader consisting of the Main Reader and Supplementary Readers 1 & 2 makes it convenient for the student to use the book simultaneously to give necessary inputs and to reinforce the learning process.
The clubbing of all the readers enables a platform for sufficient practice in reading and writing.

Students are, therefore, advised to practice all the exercises given at the back of each lesson. Before going deep into the study plan, it is desirable to have a thorough knowledge of the pattern of the Public Examination Question Papers.

Now is the time for you to map out your own plan of action i.e., to get maximum marks in English. Go through all the lessons- read and re-read till you understand the story in detail so that you are able to answer any question. You should be careful while writing answers. Not all questions are direct! Some are critical and the others are twisted! For example, take the following question from Lesson No. (1)

eg: Why did Schwamm came into town?
(Paper: I, Q's: 1 to 8, Section-I)
This question may be asked thus:
What was Schwamm's reason for coming into town? (or)

"I probably have the strange reason for coming into town", Schwamm said. What was Schwamm's reason?

The related points to the question(s) are:
Schwamm wanted to (i) take the early morning train (ii) wave back himself to his son, and (iii) make his son happy. The best possible answer, by covering these points is:

Schwamm came into town to take the early morning train so as to wave back himself to his son to make him happy.

Reading Comprehension

The comprehension passages in both the papers help the students to develop reading skills- viz, skimming, scanning and detailed reading which are considered to be the essential skills in different situations of life. In order to answer the questions for the comprehension passages, you have to look for details and re-read the passage several
times to confirm facts.

Since the passages given under Q.No. 47 to 55 are unfamiliar, you ought to study them carefully and write the answers to different questions. Your answers should be in accordance with the instructions given for the passages!

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