Part - A (Write shot notes on any FIVE of the following)
1) Inter-disciplinary nature of jurisprudence
2) positivism
3) normative system
4) volksgeist
5) Bad man's theory of law
6) Command
7) Binding nature of precedent
8) Golden rule of interpretation
Pat - B (Answer any two of the following)
9. Discuss the relationship between law and morality. Is law devoid of morality?
10. Examine different kinds of ownership and differentiate relationship between ownership and possession?
11. Define a right and explain various kinds of rights.
12. Critically examine Austin's theory of law. Will you accept that International law is not law?
Part - C (Answer any two of the following)
13. A wrongfully takes possession of a house belonging to B. C, having no title to the house forcibly evicts A. What are the respective right of A and B?
14. There was a large scale leakage of deadly gas from a private industry located in the heart of the city. As a consequence of this leakage, a number of people died and several others were affected. An action was brought before the Supreme Court, through a writ petition seeking compensation to the victims. Discuss the nature, scope and extent of the liability of private industry.
15. The Legislature of State of AP by a law delegated the power to the executive to modify the provisions of the law and also to repeal a corresponding law in force.
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