March 6, 2014

Senior Inter Botany Important Questions - New Syllabus - VSAs

Here are Very Short answer type questions (2 marks) for Senior Intermediate students for IPE Exams. The questions are as per the new syllabus of BIEAP. The syllabus and questions are useful for both AP and Telangana students.

1. Define water potential. What is the value of water potential of pure water?
2. Differentiate osmosis from diffusion.
3. What are apoplast and symplast?
4. Define hydroponics.
5. Give two examples of essential elements that act as activators for enzymes.
6. Name the essential mineral elements that play an important role in photolysis of water.
7. Out of the 17 essential elements which elements are called non-mineral essential elements?
8. Name two amino acids in which sulphur is present.
9. When is an essential element said to be deficient?
10. Name two elements whose symptoms of deficiency first appear in younger leaves.

11. Explain the role of pink colour pigment in the root nodule of legume plants. What is it called?
12. Which element is regarded as the 17th essential element? Name a disease caused by its deficiency.
13. Give an example for each of the aerobic and anaerobic nitrogen fixing prokaryotes.
14. Name the essential elements present in nitrogenase enzyme. What type of essential elements are they?
15. Name any two essential elements and the deficiency diseases caused by them.
16. What is meant by feedback inhibition?
17. What are competitive enzyme inhibitors? Mention one example.
18. What are non-competitive enzyme inhibitors? Mention one example.
19. What do the four digits of an enzyme code indicate?
20. Who proposed ‘Lock and Key hypothesis’ and Induced fit hypothesis?

21. Name the processes which take place in the grana and stroma regions of chloroplasts.
22. Which tissue transports photosynthates? What experiments prove this?
23. What is the primary acceptor of CO2 in C3 plants? What is first stable compound formed in a Calvin cycle?
24. What is the primary acceptor of CO2 in C4 plants? What is the first compound formed as a result of primary carboxylation in the C4 pathway?
25. Explain the term ‘Energy currency’. Which substance acts as energy currency in plants and animals?
26. What is the common pathway for aerobic and anaerobic respirations? Where does it take place?
27.Which substance is known as the connecting link between glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle? How many carbons does it have?
28. Name the mobile electron carriers of the respiratory electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
29. What is the final acceptor of electrons in aerobic respiration? From which complex does it receive electrons?
30. What is the disease that formed the basis for the identification of gibberellins in plants? Name the causative fungus of the disease.

31. What is apical dominance? Name the growth hormone that causes it.
32. What is meant by bolting? Which hormone causes bolting?
33. Define respiratory climacteric. Name the PGR associated with it.
34. What is ethophon? Write its role in agricultural practices.
35. Which of the PGRs is called stress hormone and why?
36. Define the terms quiescence and dormancy.
37. Define microbiology.
38. Name the bacterium which is a common inhabitant of human intestine. How is it used in biotechnology?
39. What are pleomorphic bacteria? Give an example.
40. What is sex pilus? What is its function?

More questions are available in the next post.

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