July 3, 2014

10th Class - Formative Assessment Tips for AP and Telangana Students

Reading is one of the major inputs for language development. If we do not go for some kind of focused interventions to facilitate reading skills, students will
be reading their textbooks only. (Earlier, it so happened that students did not read even the text books, but depended upon question banks).There should be a mechanism
to ensure that students are reading materials other than textbook, develop their own perceptions on such materials and come out with their own reflections on the reading experience both orally and in writing. Since there is also a question of social auditing, we need to have evidences for the performance of the students in this regard. For the oral performance, what the teacher records in her diary / notebook
alone will provide the evidence. In the case of written work the evidence will be available in the notebooks of the students.

How to facilitate reading

The teacher is suggested to provide reading materials such as library books, magazines, articles, newspapers etc. to the learners twice in a formative period
(there are four formative periods in an academic year).

The learners should read the reading materials and write their reflections in their
notebook. (Student should maintain separate notebook to write reflection, project work
and discourses during classroom transaction)

They will also be asked to present their reading experience orally (without looking at
the notebook) before the class. (We may use indicators such as, stating the context, sequencing of ideas, well-formed sentences, proper articulation for assessing the oral performance)

The teacher should check the written notes of the children and award marks for individual writing based on the indicators included the academic standards. (We can go for a few manageable indicators such as: states the context, sequencing of ideas,
well-formed sentences, personal opinions, at least 100-120 words (10-12 sentences)

Both oral and written performance carry 5 marks each. The teacher should maintain a
cumulative record for recording the individual performance. All the oral targeted
discourses can also be considered while awarding 5 marks under oral responses.

The average marks of all performances should be consolidated to 5 marks under observation/ reflections. Don't discourage the learners if they commit some errors in their writing. However, positive feedback may be given.

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