November 24, 2014

10th Class Social Studies - Maps, Case Studies and Graphs

The new text book of Social Studies contains many new features.

CASE STUDIES: A number of case studies are given. These are not meant for getting by heart. They students should understand the essence of the story and apply the same to their native place.

GRAPHS: Bar graphs, pie charts, linear graphs and tables are given abundantly. There is a lot of scope for discussion and analysis. The students should be given practice in converting the graphs to text or text to graph and so on.

CARTOONS; Cartoons also give much information for discussion. By observing the cartoons students express their own feelings. They are expected to express tier opinions on various things based on the cartoons.

POSTERS: The students should be given sufficient practice on making posters which target an issue. Before making a poster let them sit in a group of their peer and then start making a poster. This inculcates creative thinking among the students.

BOXES: There are three types of boxes in the text book. One of them is additional information box. This provides a sort of extra information. Another one is question box. These are thought provoking questions. Many of the questions don't have answers in the text itself. The third one is of practice box. The students have to do some exercises in the text book itself. Thus the new text books are text book cum work books.

KEY WORDS: The key words given at the end of the lesson are useful for the students to understand the concepts in a right way. If a few key words are kept in mind they can write the answers or explain the concepts of the lesson in a correct manner.

MAPS: A few maps are processing maps. These are different from thematic maps. The maps from first lesson which are related to the Himalayas are useful to understand how the Himalayas are formed. They can analyze the formation stages of the mountains well. In this section of maps one should get practice in map drawing, map reading and map pointing. Model making is also one the important issues.

IMPROVE YOUR LEARNING: At the end of the lesson a few questions are given. These are completely different from the old books. In old books it is easy to find out the answers from the running text of that lesson. These questions need thinking and analysis. These are application oriented. There is no scope for getting by heart because rote learning is not learning. It is not necessary to write all the questions in the note books. If the space is sufficient for some boxes it is to be written in the text book itself.

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