December 15, 2014

SSC Biology Respiration Chapter - Important Questions

Q: The diagram of human Respiratory is given below. Label the diagram. (5 marks)
You may be given diagrams and shall be asked to label the diagrams. Sometimes additional questions along with the diagram may also be asked. In such case, write the answer according to your logic or reasoning.
For example:

Q: What will happen if lungs does not possess alveoli?
A: If the lungs does not possess alveoli, the exchange of gases will not be possible in an easy way like how it happens now.
(Practice other diagrams like Mitochondria and diaphragm given in the lesson. Guess possible questions that can be asked about them and try to answer them).

Q. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (4 marks)

Aerobic Respiration:

1) This type of respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen.
2) Complete oxidation of glucose takes place in this process.
3) End products are carbon dioxide and water.
4) 38 ATP of energy is liberated in this process.
5) Energy liberated is high.
6) This process occurs in plant and animal cells.

Anaerobic Respiration:

1) This type of respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen.
2) Glucose is incompletely oxidized in this process.
3) End products are either ethyl alcohol or lactic acid and carbon dioxide.
4) 2 ATP of energy is liberated in this process.
5) Energy liberated is low.
6) This process occurs in many bacteria and human muscle cells.

(When you write a table of differences, you should know that you can answer definitions as well as two essays if you were asked the questions separately also. (even if short answers are asked).

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