The AP Government has released 10th Class exams time table for the year March - April 2015. The SSC public exams will start from 26th March and close on 11 April 2015. The dates are announced for Telugu, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies etc. Here is the time table and schedule (Tentative) for SSC Exams 2014 - 2015.
The SSC Public Examinations will be conducted between 9-30 AM and 12 PM / Noon. SSC / 10th Results 2015 are likely to be announced during last week of May 2015 in AP. About 6-7 lakhs students appear for 10th class exams every year in AP.
1. March 26 - First Language Paper -1 (Telugu)
2. March 27 - First Language Paper -2 (Telugu)
3. March 30 - Second Language (Hindi)
4. March 31 - English Paper -1
5. April 1 - English Paper -2
6. April 2 - Maths Paper -1
7. April 4 - Maths Paper -2
8. April 6 - General Science Paper -1
9. April 7 - General Science Paper-2
10. April 8 - Social Studies Paper -1
11. April 9 - Social Studies Paper -2
12. April 10 - OSSC Main Language Paper -2
13. April 11 - SSC Vocational Course (Theory)
The detailed exams schedule may also available on the official website for school education at and also on other education websites such as, etc.
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