January 2, 2015

10th Class English Letter Writing - Model Letter for SSC Public Exams

Imagine that you witnessed an accident. How would you write it to your friend?


My dear Koushil

How do you do? I've been preparing well for the forth coming exams.

In this letter, I would like to write to you about a ghastly accident
which I witnessed yesterday. At about 4-40 pm I was returning home
from school. Then it occurred all of a sudden! A heavy truck came from
behind us at a great speed and collided against an auto rickshaw. The
drunken truck driver drove his vehicle occupying most of the road. The
auto overturned and was thrown away at a distance. The auto driver
fell unconscious with injuries all over his body. What a pity! The
truck driver gave a slip and disappeared from the scene.

A huge crowd gathered there and someone rang to 108 which come
instantaneously. The injured was taken to the hospital. The police
arrived and started the enquiry. It is really an unforgettable
incident. I can't forget that dreadful scene till today. Do drop a
letter soon.

Yours lovingly
(Address on the envelope)

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