January 27, 2015

10th Class Social Studies 4 Marks Questions - New Syllabus for AP and Telangana

Q: What is the impact of literacy on development?
A: An educated family is normally treated as a developed family. In
this way, a country of educated people is treated as a developed
country. Literacy level plays a major role in the economic development
of a nation.
The literate people can understand the dynamic changes taking place in
the society.
Literacy gives many new opportunities for their livelihood.
Literacy leads to employment opportunities throughout the world.
Literacy helps to change the superstitious minds and leads to increase
rationalization and positive attitude among people.
Literacy brings awareness among the people due to which political
stability is established.
This political stability leads to development in all fields.
The society of literate people becomes a knowledge society.

Q: What is the difference between an agricultural labourer and a cultivator?
A: Cultivator: A cultivator produces agricultural production in his
own land or on a land taken on rent.
He invests some capital on agriculture.
He experiences the profit or loss.
He avails credit facilities from banks and cooperative societies
Agricultural labourer: An agricultural labourer works in the
agricultural field of some other farmer for wages in cash or kind. He
does not have any own land.
He doesn't invest anything.
He is not responsible for any sort of profit or loss.
There is no credit facility to these agricultural labourers.

Q: What are the reasons for increasing population after Indian Independence?
A: After independence in India, the population has been increasing
tremendously. The main reasons for this population explosion are as
Effective handling of famine, drought and flood situations by
implementing five year plans.
Agriculture is modernized and irrigation facilities are improved.
Green Revolution has been taken place.
Effective control of dreadful epidemic diseases through the
advancement of medical technology and wide spread diffusion of health
care delivery system to all parts of the country and to all sections
of people so that the death rate has fallen very sharply.
The high birth-rate could not be controlled as expected because of
illiteracy, religious and social attitude of the people. The family
planning programme of the government has not been very successful for
effective control of birth rate on par with that of the death-rate.
As a result, the disparity between birth-rate and death-rate has widened.
The spread of education, development of science and technology and
effective as well as optimum utilization of all the available
resources have given greater space and prospects for sustainability.

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