September 11, 2015

Intermediate Botany Preparation Plan - Biomolecules Chapter for AP and TS students

Biomolecules: It is a chapter that deals with more biochemistry,
organic chemistry than Botany. Make the chapter into 7 parts.

1. Chemical analysis: Experiment with Trichloro acetic acid,
destructive experiment. Read the lists 10.1 and 10.2. Prepare
ascending and descending order for various elements. Note that there
is name mentioned, CNR Rao. Ask your teacher about him.

2. Amino Acids: Prepare list of Amino acids you know from the text
book and their abbreviations also (Ex: gly = glycine, Ala = Alamine)
Follow the structures given in Fig 10.1.
Learn the basic structure of Amino acid. It is useful to know
Zwitterionic form and nature. Know about 'R' Group.

3. Lipids: First learn the reason why it is kept in the list of
macromolecules. But what it is actually. Fatty acids, Glycerol and
Glycerides should be known with examples and structures given in fig.
Numerical problems regarding the no. of carbons can be asked in fatty acids.

4. Proteins: Know hierarchy of structures like Primary, Secondary,
Tertiary & Quaternary structure & their significance must be learnt. A
table is given 10.5. It can be asked in matching type question.

5. Polysaccharide: More the examples we know, more easy to identify
and differentiate. Try to learn what is meant by Mono, di, tri and
Polysaccharides. Know what is Triose, Tetrose, Pentose, Hexose,
Heptose. The information we know here will be useful in Photosynthesis
& Respiration (Second Year). Know the reason-why cellulose do not
turns blue with Iodine, why chitin is more resistant.

6. Nucleic Acids: It is very brief in text book. It is not sufficient
for the student to make notes on his own. Take the help of teacher.
Get a detailed account of DNA atleast (if not RNA).

Try to know what is 1) Loop 2) Steps 3) Nucleoside and types 4)
Nucleotide and types 5) Back bone 6) Complementarity 7) Antiparallel
8) Charge and Chemical nature of DNA 9) Angle of the loop & step 10)
Purines 11) Pyrimidines and also know how hydrogen bonds, glycosidic,
ester and phosphodiester bonds are formed. What is the principle for
knowing ester/ diester bonds?

Numerical problems regarding length of DNA fragment, % of nitrogen
bases, hydrogen bonds etc can be asked. Make use of fig 10.1 also.

7. Primary and secondary Metabolites: After knowing the difference
between them read the table 10.3. A matching question or MCQ can be
asked from it.

8. Metabolic basis for living: Know what is metabolism? Metabolic
Pathway? Examples for physical and chemical/ metabolic reaction,
Anabolism and catabolism. Know what is meant by Metabolic flux,
equilibrium and non equilibrium state.

Scope: 1 VSAQ, 1 SAQ; 2 Questions in Eamcet.

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