September 26, 2015

IPE First Year Botany Important Questions for 2 Marks - AP and Telangana Boards

Q: What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify?
A: Phycobiont is the algal partner of a lichen.
Mycobiont is the fungal partner of a lichen.

Q: What do the terms 'algal blooms' and 'red tides' signify?
A: The vast colonies and filaments of algae which are found in
polluted water bodies are called algal blooms.
The rapid multiplication of red dinoflagellates like Gonyaulax makes
sea water appear red which are called red tides in Mediterranean sea.

Q: State two economically important uses of heterotrophic bacteria.
A: Heterotrophic bacteria are used in production of antibiotics.
Rhizobium is used in fixing atmospheric nitrogen in agricultural lands.
Lactobacillus is used in making curd from milk.

Q: What is the principle underlying the use of cyanobacteria in
agricultural fields for crop improvement?
A: Cyanobacteria like Nostoc and Anabaena possess special cells called
heterocysts which can fix atmospheric nitrogen. Hence they can be used
in agriculture for crop improvement.

Q: Plants are autotrophic. Name some plants which are partially heterotrophic.
A: Partially heterotrophic plants . Bladder wort (Utricularia)
Venus fly trap (Dionea)

Q: Who proposed five kingdom classification? How many kingdoms of this
classification contain eukaryotes?
A: R.H. Whittaker.
Four (4) kingdoms
(Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia).

Q: Give the main criteria used for classification by Whittaker.
A: a. Cell structure b. Thallus organization c. Mode of nutrition
d. Reproduction e. Phylogenetic relationships

Q: Name two diseases caused by Mycoplasmas.
A: Witches broom in plants.
Pleuropneumonia in cattle.
Mycoplasmal urethritis in humans.

Q: What are slime moulds? Explain what is meant by plasmodium with
reference to slime moulds.
A: Slime moulds are saprophytic multinucleated protists.
The large multinucleated aggregation formed by slime moulds during
favourable conditions is called a plasmodium.

Q: Explain how the term botany has emerged.
A: 'Bous' in greek means cattle and 'Bouskein' means cattle feed. The
word bouskein gave rise to 'Botane' and then 'Botany'.

Q: Name the books written by Parasara and mention the important
aspects discussed in those books.
A: a. Krishi parasaram - deals with agriculture and weeds.
b. Vrikshayurveda - deals with different types of forests, external
and internal characters of plants (medicinal plants).

Q: Who is popularly known as father of Botany? What was the book written by him?
A: Theophrastus.
De Historia Plantarum.

Q: Who are herbalists? What are the books written by them?
A: The botanists who identified and described medicinal plants during
16th and 17th centuries were called herbalists.

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