V. Locomotion and Reproduction in Protozoans: Usually Very Short Answer Questions and Short Answer Questions are given from this unit. Should prepare tables regarding different locomotory organelles and examples. Study the mechanisms of locomotion - such as amoeboid movement, flagellar movement, ciliary movement etc. Practice the diagrams of Euglena and Paramoecium along with process of binary fission in both.
VI. Biology in Human Welfare:
In IPE, more marks are allotted to this unit. Study the types of parasites,
parasitic adaptations effects of parasites on their hosts. Keep special attention on structure, life history and pathogenecity of Entamoeba histolytica, Plasmodium vivax, Ascaris lumbricoides and Wuchereria bancrofti. LAQ, SAQ and VSAQ are given from these topics.
Similarly study the pathogen and symptoms of common diseases such as typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, ring worm disease etc. Read TDA also thoroughly.
VII. Cockroach (Periplaneta americana):
This chapter includes structure, locomotion, body systems of cockroach. Under SAQ, diagram may be asked. ✪ VSAQ and LAQ may also be expected from this unit.
VIII. Ecology and Environment:
This is another important unit. Syllabus is more, also the quantity of marks. But all the topics are related to the real life activities going on around us. Hence, understanding of these topics is easy and also interesting.
Definitions, abiotic factors of eco systemtheir effects on organisms; population interactions, food chains, food web, energy flow, nutrient cycles, pollution need special attention. VSAQ, SAQ and LAQ are given from this unit.
VIII. Ecology and Environment:
This is another important unit. Syllabus is more, also the quantity of marks. But all the topics are related to the real life activities going on around us. Hence, understanding of these topics is easy and also interesting.
Definitions, abiotic factors of eco systemtheir effects on organisms; population interactions, food chains, food web, energy flow, nutrient cycles, pollution need special attention. VSAQ, SAQ and LAQ are given from this unit.
Remember these:
In your textbook, a list of Very Short Answer Questions, Short Answer
Questions and Long Answer Questions are given at the end of every lesson.
In IPE, most of the questions are selected from this list. Study them thoroughly.
While reading focus on the lesson.
VI. Biology in Human Welfare:
In IPE, more marks are allotted to this unit. Study the types of parasites,
parasitic adaptations effects of parasites on their hosts. Keep special attention on structure, life history and pathogenecity of Entamoeba histolytica, Plasmodium vivax, Ascaris lumbricoides and Wuchereria bancrofti. LAQ, SAQ and VSAQ are given from these topics.
Similarly study the pathogen and symptoms of common diseases such as typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, ring worm disease etc. Read TDA also thoroughly.
VII. Cockroach (Periplaneta americana):
This chapter includes structure, locomotion, body systems of cockroach. Under SAQ, diagram may be asked. ✪ VSAQ and LAQ may also be expected from this unit.
VIII. Ecology and Environment:
This is another important unit. Syllabus is more, also the quantity of marks. But all the topics are related to the real life activities going on around us. Hence, understanding of these topics is easy and also interesting.
Definitions, abiotic factors of eco systemtheir effects on organisms; population interactions, food chains, food web, energy flow, nutrient cycles, pollution need special attention. VSAQ, SAQ and LAQ are given from this unit.
VIII. Ecology and Environment:
This is another important unit. Syllabus is more, also the quantity of marks. But all the topics are related to the real life activities going on around us. Hence, understanding of these topics is easy and also interesting.
Definitions, abiotic factors of eco systemtheir effects on organisms; population interactions, food chains, food web, energy flow, nutrient cycles, pollution need special attention. VSAQ, SAQ and LAQ are given from this unit.
Remember these:
In your textbook, a list of Very Short Answer Questions, Short Answer
Questions and Long Answer Questions are given at the end of every lesson.
In IPE, most of the questions are selected from this list. Study them thoroughly.
While reading focus on the lesson.
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