August 11, 2016

Telangana D Pharmacy Web Based Counseling Schedule 2016-17

Certificate verification and option exercise for web based counseling for admission into D Pharmacy has been released by Department of Technical Education, Govt of Telangana.

Certificate Verification is mandatory for exercising options. Processing Fee to be paid is Rs.600 for OC/ BC and Rs. 300 for SC/ ST.

Certificate Verification of special Categories (Both MPC & Bi.P.C. Streams) i.e., PH/ NCC/ CAP/ Sports & Games will be on 17.08.2016 (Reporting time: 09.00 AM) at Sanketika Vidya Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad only.

Other candidates can go to any one of the 5 Help Line Centres mentioned below for Certificate Verification on 17.08.2016 (Reporting time: 09.00 AM)
1. Sanketika Vidya Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad (Both MPC & Bi.P.C Stream).
2. Govt. Polytechnic, MGM Circle, Warangal (Both MPC & Bi.P.C. Stream).
3. Govt. Polytechnic, Nizamabad (Both MPC & Bi.P.C. Stream).
4. Govt. Polytechnic, Mahaboobnagar (Both MPC & Bi.P.C. Stream).
5. Govt. Polytechnic, Nalgonda (Both MPC & Bi.P.C. Stream).

Schedule for certificate verification for all other candidates: 17.08.2016 (Stream- M.P.C./ Bi.P.C)
Ranks Called: From- 1 to Last.
Schedule for Exercising Options: 17 August 2016 and 18 August 2016.

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