Generally, the aim of a student joined in Intermediate Bi. P. group is to secure a seat in a reputed Medical College to study M.B.,B.S. or other allied Medical Course. To get a seat in M.B.,B.S. one has to face the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) and secure a good rank. Hence, while preparing for Intermediate Public Examination (IPE), critical, analytical and planned study is required.
In IPE, the Zoology Paper is for 60 marks. Out of the 60 marks, 20 marks are allocated for Very Short Answer Questions [VSAQ : 10 questions × 2 marks], 24 marks are allotted for Short Answer Questions [SAQ : 6 questions × 4 marks] and 16 marks for Long Answer Questions [LAQ : 2 questions × 8 marks]. The syllabus of Zoology is divided into 8 Units. Weightage (approximate) of Marks for each unit is given below:
Chapter-wise Weightage:
As there is no choice for VSAQ, all questions should be answered. To answer these questions, all topics are to be understood clearly, read thoroughly and remember the subject matter. Answer for these questions must be direct and brief. For example...
Q. A person is suffering from bowel irregularity and abdominal pain. His stools contains blood and mucus. Based
on these symptoms, name the disease and the causative organism.
Ans. a. Disease : Intestinal amoebiasis / Amoebic dysentery.
b. Causative organism: Entamoeba histolytica Eight SAQ will be given. One has to answer any six in 15-20 lines each. Some questions are related to drawing the diagram and labelling also. Answer for some SAQ may not be in 20 lines and for some, it may be more than 20 lines. Hence, do not count the number of lines. Write the perfect and complete answer. If diagram is asked, draw it with a sharply pointed pencil and label the parts towards right side. If space is not sufficient, write on left side also. Generally diagrams are asked from the units II and VII.
Regarding LAQ, three questions will be given. You have to answer any two which are familiar to you. Each answer should be in 45-60 lines. Illustrations are also necessary for these questions. This type of questions
are selected from the units II, VI, VII and VIII.
Syllabus and Questions
I. Zoology - Diversity of Living World
Generally a two marks question will be given from this unit from branches of Zoology, species, nomenclature etc.
Four marks question is generally given from basic concepts of classification, species concept and biodiversity.
II. Structural Organisation in animals
From the topics symmetry-types, body cavitytypes two and four marks questions are common. From animal tissues, two and four marks, diagram related questions and sometimes eight marks question may be asked.
III. Animal Diversity - I
This unit is related to the characters and classification of non-chordates. Two and four marks questions are asked from this unit. To study the characters, classification; characters of different classes and examples -
one has to prepare tables with the help of your text book. Hence, it becomes easy to remember the features and examples.
IV. Animal Diversity - II
From this unit two and four marks questions are asked from the characters, classification and examples of chordates. As in unit III, prepare tables with the help of your text book. So that it becomes easy to
remember the things.
V. Locomotion and reproduction in protozoans
Generally two and four marks questions will be given from this unit. Prepare tables regarding locomotory organelles and examples of protozoans and study them. Study the mechanisms of locomotion. Practice the diagrams of Euglena and Paramoecium. Read the transverse and longitudinal binary fission and definition of conjugation.
VI. Biology in Human welfare
As more marks are allocated to this unit, concentrate much on this unit. Study the types of parasites, hosts, effects of parasites on their hosts thoroughly. Keep special attention on structure, life history
and pathogenecity of Entamoeba histolytica, Plasmodium, Ascaris and Wuchereria. Also study the symptoms, causative organism and control of typhoid, Pneumonia, common cold and ring worm disease besides TDA abuse. All the three types of questions will be given in this unit.
VII. Periplaneta americana (Cockroach)
This unit contains structure, locomotion and body systems of cockroach. From the body systems eight marks question may be asked. Practice all diagrams thoroughly for a four marks question. As this unit is also allocated by more marks, much attention is needed.
VIII. Ecology and Environment
Like units VI and VII, for this unit also more marks are allotted. At the same time, quantity of subject matter is also more. As all the topics are related the activities going on around us, understanding these topics
is very easy and interesting also. Different definitions, abiotic factors in ecosystem and their effects on organisms; population interactions, adaptations, food chains, food web, energy flow, nutrient cycles, pollution
etc. need special attention. All the three types of questions will be given in this unit. While reading concentrate your mind on the Lesson. Victory is yours
Remember these:
You have to read more and more. To acquire good knowledge on particular topics you have to read more. Make note of points of what you read. Because it's all about Latin and Greek terms and terminologies
in Zoology.
Get the latest edition of Zoology Text Book Published by the Telugu Akademi / Board of Intermediate Education for reference and thorough study of the topics.
You have to practice a much. Write the answers again and again. It seems laborious and old fashioned but one advantage through practice is you can improve your writing skills and your writing speed increases.
An important aspect in Zoology is diagrams. Diagrams are the key factors during your exam preparation. If you study a topic straight, you might not understand it, but with diagram, the same concept can
understood well. And during exams, one method which would more appropriate is, draw the diagram first, you can explain the concept easily referring to the diagram, chances of missing the points will be less.
Develop patience. Every concept cannot be easily understood. If any concept is taking more time, leave it and begin with easy one. It will build your confidence and you can take on the earlier concept with ease.
Start preparing as early as possible. Do not wait till the end. Opening the book at the last moment makes you panic and results in great disappointment.
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