After Independence the first 30 years became very crucial for India. The setting of national goals and putting in place institutional mechanisms to achieve them within a relatively short span of time was undoubtedly a great achievement for a people who had been ruled by foreign power for more than two centuries.
Independent India (The first 30 years - 1947 - 77)
The main challenges before the leadership was the need to maintain unity and integrity to bring about a social and economic transformation and to ensure the working of the democratic system. These challenges are interrelated
and great care had taken to ensure that the system didnot get imbalanced.
Main Points:
1.The first general elections to be held under the new constitution were immensely significant for Indian democracy.
2. India adopted universal Adult Franchise.
3. The first elections were difficult as the large section of population did not know how to read and write.
4. Election commission used the symbols from daily life for visual identification.
5. In Independent India's first three general elections in 1952, 1957 and 1962 the Indian National congress won reducing other participants to almost nothing
Among the first challenges the new nation faced was the demand for reorganisation of states on the basis of language.
In August 1953 the state reorganisation commission was appointed with Fazal Ali, K.M. Panikkar and Hridaynath Kunzru on the basis of linguistic principle.
It created 14 states and six union territories
The constituent assembly had called for social Economic and political Justice and equality of status and opportunity, it put social and economic change at the top of the agenda of modern India.
Planning Commission was setup dissolve the divisions of caste, religion, and region and other disruptive tendencies.
In 1967 elections show the big transition in India where many regional parties came to power.
It propounded India is moving towards multi party system.
The Delhi Agreement found place in the Article 370 of Indian constitution.
In 1971 a war broke out between India and Pakistan.
Immediately after the victory in 1971 Bangladesh war Indira Gandhi used popular slogan "Garibi Hatao".
Inflation, poverty, unemployment and scarcity of food gave congress government the public resentment.
As JP movement gaining strength the government imposed emergency.
Important achievement of this period (1947-77) was the establishment of stable democracy.
2 Marks Questions:
Q: Do you think single party democracy would have been better alternative to multi party democracy?
A: Single party dominance brings with it other negative features. Its aim to extend influence over state and society by further centralisation. So I think single party democracy would have not been a better alternative to multi party democracy.
Q: Is it necessary for a national language?
A: Yes, there is a need for a national language. Our national language is Hindi. A national language may for instance represent the national identity. There should a official language in use.
Q: Why did the tribal languages ignore at the time of creation of the states in 1956?
A: There were many tribal languages. The Tribals spread all over the country. So it is not possible to form a new state based on the tribal languages. Thus the tribal languages were ignored.
Q: What do you know about Anti-Hindi agitations?
A: When the official languages act was passed in 1963 the DMK believed it was an attempt foist Hindi on the rest of the country. There was a state wide campaign protesting the imposition of Hindi. There were strikes, dharnas, hartals, burning effigies and burning the pages of the constitution. The government gave many concessions to
the Anti Hindi camp.
Q: If women are not allowed to vote in India, How would it effect our politics?
A: If women are not allowed to vote in India, it will have adverse effect on politics. The half of the Indian population are women. But they would be neglected. They would not enjoy their rights and equality. If we deny voting right to women, then we are loosing diversity of ideas, values which is needed for country's enrichment.
Q: Do you think unity of India would have been better served if linguistic states were not formed?
A: No, I don't think unity of India would have better. The languages unite the people. The language policy was accepted by the central leaders also. The linguistic states were also developed well.
1 Mark Questions:
Q: In which year women in Switzerland got the right to vote?
A: The Swiss women got the right to vote in 1971.
Q: Through which agreement Kashmirs would become the citizens of India?
A: Through Delhi agreement Kashmiries would become the citizens of India.
Q: What was the speciality of 370 Article?
A: To give special status to Jammu and Kashmir state.
Q: What is cold war?
A: Cold war is characterized by intense between the U.S.A and U.S.S.R after Second World War.
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