September 26, 2017

Senior Inter Zoology Chapter Wise Marks Weightage, Study Plan and Exam Tips

In IPE, the Zoology Theory Paper is for 60 marks. Out of the 60 marks, 20 marks are allocated for Very Short Answer Questions [VSAQ : 10 questions x 2 marks], 24 marks are allocated for Short Answer Questions [SAQ : 6 questions x 4 marks] and 16 marks for Long Answer Questions [LAQ : 2 questions x 8 marks]. Zoology Practical
Examination will be conducted separately for 30 marks at the end of Second Year. The syllabus of Zoology is divided into 8 Units. Following is the chapter wise weightage for IPE exams in AP and Telangana.

As there is no choice for VSAQ, all questions should be answered. To answer these questions, all topics are to be understood clearly, read thoroughly and remember the subject matter. Answer for these questions must be direct and brief.

For example...

Q: Name the valves that guard the left and right atrioventricular apertures in human beings
Ans: a. Left atrioventricular aperture: Bicuspid valve or Mitral valve b. Right atrioventricular aperture:
Tricuspid valve.

Eight SAQ will be given. One has to answer any six in 15-20 lines each. Some questions are related to drawing the diagram and labeling also. Answer for some SAQ may not be in 20 lines and for some, it may be more than 20 lines. Hence, do not count the number of lines. Write the perfect and complete answer.

If diagram is asked, draw it with a sharply pointed pencil and label the parts towards right side. If space is not sufficient, write on left side also. Generally diagrams are asked from the units II and VII.

Regarding LAQ, three questions will be given. You have to answer any two which are familiar to you. Each answer should be in 45-60 lines. Illustrations are also necessary for these questions. This type of questions are selected from the units II, VI, VII and VIII.

Syllabus and Questions:

Units I to V: Human Anatomy and Physiology

Even though first five units are related to human Anatomy and Physiology are elaborate, they are interesting and easy to understand because all aspects belong to our body and hence remembering the points is easy.

Give much attention in practicing the diagrams and labelling them.

Beside other lessons, pay special attention on the following for LAQ
Digestive system
Process of digestion
Structure and functioning of heart
Structure of nephron
Process of urine formation
Sliding filament theory
Structure and functions of brain
Propagation of nerve impulse
Male and female reproductive system.

For SAQ pay special attention on the following topics

Functions of liver
Blood clotting
Differences between arteries and veins
Counter current mechanism
Contractile proteins
Synaptic transmission
Secretions of pituitary
Diabetes mellitus
Structure and functions of placenta
Practice the following diagrams thoroughly
L.S of tooth
Oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve
L.S of heart
V.S of kidney
Structure of myofibril
Fore limb bones
Pelvic girdle
Male and female reproductive systems
Graafian follicle
Out of the three LAQ, two will be given from these units in addition to SAQ and VSAQ

Unit VI: Genetics

Generally one each of SAQ and LAQ will be given from this unit

Concentrate on Inheritance of blood groups, Sex determination, Sex linked inheritance, Genetic disorders and on DNA finger printing.

For SAQ, read aims of human genome project, Erythroblastosis foetalis etc. are more important.

Unit VII: Organic Evolution and Unit VIII Applied Biology

From these units, SAQ will be given.
Besides other topics, read the following once again
Industrial melanism
Homologous and analogous organs

Different types of cancers etc. While reading concentrate your mind on the Lesson. Victory is yours.

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