January 3, 2018

Telangana CETs Conveners and Organising Universities for 2018-19

Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has announced convenors of various entrance exams to be conducted in 2018-19. Following are the convenors for various CETs in Telangana for the academic year 2018-19.

TS ECET: Goverdhan (JNTUH)
TS PGECET: Sameen Fatima (OU)
TS EDCET: Madhumati (OU)
TS LAWCET: SB Dwarakanath (OU)
TS ICET: Subramanya Sarma (KU)
TS PECET: Satyanarayana (OU)

This is the third term for Yadaiah to handle TS EAMCET. The exam will be conducted by JNTUH. The Committee on Common Entrance Tests will have a meeting this month to finalise the exam pattern, syllabus, application procedure etc.

The TSCHE has decided to conduct all the entrance examinations online mode from this year. If the number of applicants are more than 30000, the online entrance exam will be held in two / three days depending upon the number of applicants.

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