February 7, 2018

IPE Exams - Inter Botany Paper 1 for AP and Telangana Students

Following is the Junior Intermediate Model Paper (Botany Paper - I) for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana students. The IPE exams in both the states will start in March every year. The question paper will have three sections as follows.


i) Very short answer type questions.
ii) Answer All the questions.
iii) Each question carries TWO marks. (10 × 2 = 20 M)

1. What is flora?
2. What do the terms ‘algal bloom’ and ‘red tides’ signify?
3. Who discovered the cell and what was the book written by him?
4. Differentiate between Racemose and Cymose inflorescences.
5. Why certain fruits are called false fruits? Name two examples of plants having false fruits.
6. What is geocarpy? Name the plant which exhibits this phenomenon.
7. What are microbodies? What do they contain?
8. Explain the Zwitterionic form of an amino acid.
9. At what stage of cell cycle does DNA synthesis occur?
10. Define population and community.


i) Short answer type questions.
ii) Answer any SIX questions.
iii) Each question carries FOUR marks. (6 × 4 = 24 M)

11. Write the role of Fungi in our daily life.
12. Differentiate between liverworts and mosses.
13. Give a brief account on the phases of the life cycle of an angiosperm plant.
14. Give economic importance of plants belonging to Fabaceae.
15. Differentiate between rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER).
16. Though redundantly described as a resting phase, interphase does not really involve rest. Comment.
17. A transverse section of the trunk of a tree shows concentric rings which are known as annual rings. How are these rings formed? What is the significance of these rings?
18. What are hydrophytes? Briefly discuss the different kinds of hydrophytes with examples.


i) Long answer type questions.
ii) Answer any TWO questions.
iii) Each question carries EIGHT marks. (2 × 8 = 16 M)

19. Explain different types of racemose inflorescences.
20. Draw the diagram of a microsporangium and label its wall layers. Write briefly about the wall layers.
21. Describe the internal structure of a dicot root.

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